
SACE Launches Fossil Gas Resource Hub

SACE's new fossil gas hub houses resources for communities and decision-makers across the Southeast. The hub features our own research and analysis as well as great resources developed by experts and partners.


Southeastern Ratepayers Are Building a Gas Highway to Export

In a new paper, SACE examines the relationship between load growth, fossil gas plants, fossil gas pipelines, LNG export, and electricity bills.


Talking EVs: 3 Hot Topics Right Now

SACE's Electric Transportation Director shares insights into timely electric vehicle (EV) topics on LinkedIn. Check out what's captured his attention recently and join the conversation.


FERC Order 1920 Warns the Southeastern Power Grid is Failing. Utilities Are Avoiding Upgrades as Long as Possible.

FERC’s Order 1920 aims to improve transmission planning, but the Southeastern Regional Transmission Planning Group is delaying compliance. With rising demand and extreme weather, delays could mean higher costs, blackouts, and vulnerabilities.


Breathing New Life Into American Solar Manufacturing: ES Foundry Opens New SC Solar Cell Facility

A new solar cell manufacturing facility in Greenwood, South Carolina promises investment in renewable energy and local economic development with job creation and cutting-edge solar technology.


Goodwill is Growing the Clean Energy Workforce

Goodwill Industries of Middle Tennessee is growing the clean energy workforce in the Southeast.


The Lights Are Out at EPA Region 4

The US EPA has essentially no comments on the dangerous Enbridge/ETNG Ridgeline Expansion 122-mile proposed pipeline to Kingston. SACE has significant concerns about the safety of this pipeline project.


Kent Wimmer’s Home Energy Journey: Four Years, Four Heat Pumps, For the Climate

Clean Energy Generation member Kent Wimmer rejoins us as he continues on his journey to reduce his Florida home’s dependency on gas – this time by switching to a heat pump clothes…


Now is the Right Time to Do What's Right

In difficult and uncertain times, we are comforted by a clear vision and keeping our eyes on the prize of what is important. In the turbulent 1960s, one of Martin Luther King…


Solar United National Empowers Historically Disadvantaged Communities to See a Bright, Clean Energy Future

In Charleston, South Carolina, renewable energy developer Solar United National empowers communities through clean energy projects and workforce training, providing underprivileged communities with solar industry skills, economic opportunities, and disaster resiliency hubs.