This guest post was authored by Justin Vandenbroeck, IDEAS For Us Ambassador and Industrial Engineering student at Florida State University, who was chosen as a Southeastern Delegate for the 2013 U.S. Solar Market Insight Conference happening this week in San Diego, CA. Follow events and announcements at the conference through @IDEASTweetsUs and IDEAS For US Facebook.
Are you interested in a career in solar energy? Would you believe me if I told you that there are already more than 119,000 solar workers in the U.S.?
After traveling more than 2,000 miles, I’m here in San Diego, California, preparing to attend the U.S. Solar Market Insight Conference with thousands of colleagues in the solar industry.
Over the next two days I’ll be taking a deeper dive into one of the fastest growing industries in the world. GTMResearch and Solar Energy Industries Association are bringing together industry leaders, including IDEAS For Us, to collectively navigate the complex market dynamics and local policies that can accelerate the solar energy industry.
In collaboration with the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy, I’ll be highlighting innovative companies in the solar industry that are on the forefront of solar energy design and deployment and sharing key findings about this fast growing segment of the clean energy economy.
Check back at the end of this week for a post-conference blog here on Footprints blog.