It’s a great idea whose time has come, and I applaud his leadership. It’s refreshing to see a lawmaker stand up for the citizens over the entrenched monopoly utilities – utilities that wield considerable influence in the state Capitol. The tax issue is one key piece of the solar puzzle. The others are protecting the customer’s right to net meter their renewable energy system and ending the restrictive law prohibiting 3rd party sales of electricity.
Florida is one of only 5 states that doesn’t allow competition in energy choices. The Floridians for Solar Choice ballot initiative would allow all Floridians the option to power their homes and businesses with solar power and the choice of who provides it to them. This campaign is also aiming to place solar energy on the ballot in 2016. This diverse coalition of conservatives, business interests and clean energy advocates have come together because year after year, separate efforts to open up the solar market in Florida have been thwarted by monopoly utilities at both the Florida Legislature and the Public Service Commission. Going to the ballot is a necessity because policymakers have not been doing their job, and the people need to have their voices heard.
This year’s legislative session holds the promise of eliminating burdensome taxes on solar power, thanks to leaders like Senator Brandes. Removing burdensome taxes on renewable energy along with allowing Florida’s families and businesses choice in solar power provider could be the 1-2 punch that finally brings solar power home to the Sunshine State!