
TVA Advisory Board Meeting Gives Preview of Final 2015 IRP

Today, the Tennessee Valley Authority's Regional Energy Resource Council (RERC) ended two days of meetings in which they were given a preview of the recommendations in TVA's forthcoming 2015 Integrated Resource Plan…


Corporate Social Responsibility with Renewable Power, is Coca-Cola Next?

Corporations around the country and globe are finding new ways to comply with their own, voluntary and self-imposed Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) goals. CSR is frequently explained as the "triple-bottom-line" or "3P…


First Legal Challenge to the Clean Power Plan Dismissed

Today, the DC Circuit dismissed the first legal challenge to the Environmental Protection Agency's Clean Power Plan. The lawsuit, filed by the coal industry and several coal dependent states, claimed that EPA…


Mississippi's Jazzed About Wind Power

Electric utility companies across the south are snapping up wind power contracts - and now a utility in Mississippi may jump on the wind power bandwagon. South Mississippi Electric Power Association (SMEPA) recently released…


Facing NextEra’s Mr. Hyde in Florida

SACE staff George Cavros and John Wilson also contributed to this post. Which is the true face of NextEra Energy? The company which is widely admired for advancing renewable energy everywhere BUT…


Debunking Wind Turbine Fads

Wind turbine technology is rapidly evolving. Taller turbines, longer blades and advanced composites are just a few ways the wind industry are reducing costs while boosting performance. But legitimate research, development and…


Uniontown, AL: Community with civil rights legacy demanding justice

Uniontown, Alabama is located in Perry County, a part of the South with a vibrant civil rights history. Not only was Perry County the home of both civil rights martyr Jimmie Lee…


How much "backup power" is needed for solar and wind?

This blog was written by John D. Wilson, former Deputy Director for Regulatory Policy at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


3 Ways to clean up the Asheville coal retirement

This blog was written by John D. Wilson, former Deputy Director for Regulatory Policy at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy with contributions from former SACE staffers Toni Nelson and Amelia Shenstone.


Breezy for the Big Easy: WINDPOWER 2016 heading to New Orleans

This blog is the last in a series from Southern Alliance for Clean Energy staff attending the American Wind Energy Association’s WINDPOWER 2015 Conference & Expo in Orlando, Florida.  After each WINDPOWER conference, attendees…