
Delivering low-cost renewable energy to the Southeast

This blog was written by John D. Wilson, former Deputy Director for Regulatory Policy at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


Amendment 1: Trick or Treat for Florida Voters?

With the spirit of Halloween on our minds, we just had to blog about the tricky, utility-backed Amendment 1 on the ballot in Florida. Over the past few months, more than 185 organizations,…


Are We Understating the Potential for (and Uncertainty in) Wind Energy Cost Reductions?

Guest post from the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab and posted originally on their blog, here. Prices for wind energy have hit rock bottom, thanks to technological advances and learning. Are the opportunities…


Spotlight Shines on Extreme Energy Burdens in Memphis

This past week, national experts from the American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ACEEE) traveled from Washington, D.C. to Memphis, TN to help shine a spotlight on the extreme energy burdens many…


FPL's Flawed Remediation Plan Won't Solve Turkey Point's Pollution Problems

Update: Since Laura's blog post below, the Palm Beach Post's Susan Salisbury reported on the concerns with FPL's flawed clean-up plan in her "Protecting Your Pocketbook" blog/column. Find it here. Last week…


Building a Resilient Energy Plan. Step One: Diverse Community Engagement

This post is the first in a series of blogs that will follow the efforts of Western North Carolina’s Energy Innovation Task Force to reduce peak load in the region through demand…


Solar In The Southeast, Fall Update

SACE Staffer Alissa Jean Schafer contributed to this post. When it comes to deploying solar power, the Southeastern United States has been a mixed bag for quite some time. Thanks to weak or non-existent…


Guest Post: Another Duke Energy coal ash spill discovered into the Neuse River

This is a guest post from Waterkeepers Alliance. To read their original press release on the breaking story, click here. GOLDSBORO, N.C. — Waterkeeper Alliance and Sound Rivers have discovered a large…


Question and Answer: An improved tool for watchdogging coal ash in the Southeast

This is a guest post originally reported on by Southeast Energy News. Click here to read the original article. For info about an upcoming webinar on SoutheastCoalAsh.org, go here. Coal ash waste…


Public window into Florida utility planning opens, shuts

This blog was written by Amelia Shenstone, former Regional Advocacy Director with the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.