
Primary Voting Begins Soon: Are You Ready to Support Clean Energy Champions?

This blog was written by Jennifer Rennicks, former Senior Director of Policy & Communications at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


MLK 50: Our First Family March in Memphis with NAACP

This blog post was written by Jason Carney, former Clean Energy Program Manager with the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


It's Volunteer Appreciation Week: Here Are a Few of Our Clean Energy Volunteer Superstars!

This blog entry was written by Allie Brown, former Clean Energy Advocacy Manager at SACE.


New Role for Forest Bradley-Wright in the Southeast Region

This is a guest blog originally posted here (https://www.all4energy.org/energy-matters-blog/new-role-for-forest-bradley-wright-in-southeast-region#comments) by the Alliance for Affordable Energy.


Write A Letter to the Editor To Protect Florida’s Shores from Drilling

The Florida Constitution Revision Commission (CRC)'s oil drilling ban in state waters is up for a final vote in the full commission next week! It has a new proposal number (6004) and has been…


How will TVA's Grid Access Charge Affect Your Rates?

This blog was written by John D. Wilson, former Deputy Director for Regulatory Policy at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


Can Southern Company really eliminate its carbon pollution?

This blog was written by John D. Wilson, former Deputy Director for Regulatory Policy at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


The Heavy Hand of FPL Changes Law; Preempting Local Governments

Money in politics typically never leads to good outcomes for utility customers. Case in point: a bill recently signed into law by Governor Scott helps power companies - in particular FPL - build…


Damning Report by Inspector General Exposes the Truth About TVA's Luxury Jet

After watchdog groups raised questions about the Tennessee Valley Authority’s (TVA) purchase of seemingly unnecessary and exorbitant aircraft, TVA’s Office of Inspector General (OIG) released a report summarizing its own audit of…


Where Does the Florida PSC Stand on Expanding Rooftop Solar?

Where does the Florida Public Service Commission (PSC) stand on expanding the benefits of rooftop solar to more Floridians? The 5-member commission, appointed by Governor Scott, failed to approve a proposed solar…