
Georgia Consumer Choice Bill Would Boost Economic Opportunities

Georgia Power and Southern Company are up to their dirty tricks again, this time blocking the development of clean renewable energy and using their monopoly power to hold Georgia economic development back!…


Transportation Bill is Bad Drilling Policy

  This post was co-authored by Simon Mahan and Jennifer Rennicks. Last week’s passage of the U.S. House of Representatives' transportation bill deserves a brief mention on the blog today if for…


Georgia Power Finishes 2011 with a Round of Applause

This blog was written by Natalie Mims and Jeannie McKinney. A little bit of congratulating is in order for one of the Southeast’s largest investor-owned electric utilities. As we’ve said time and…


Good Jobs Green Jobs comes to the South

From the manufacturing of solar panels and wind turbines, to updating commercial buildings and the weatherization of homes, to the production of cleaner, safer chemicals, the green economy is emerging in cities…


Asheville Dirty Coal Draws Greenpeace Ire

Early this morning Greenpeace activists scaled the 400-foot smokestack at Progress Energy's Asheville coal-fired power plant to call attention to the toxic and dangerous practice of burning coal for power. The 400MW…


Landmark Clean Cars Rule Will Drive Electric Vehicles

  SACE has reported frequently over the past several months about the The EV Project in Tennessee and the ever growing number of charging stations popping up around the region. We've heard…


NRC Approves Vogtle License, Chairman Only Vote for Safety

This blog was authored by Mandy Hancock, former high risk energy choices organizer at SACE.


New Ways To Track Your Energy Usage in 2012

As February is already getting under way, I’d like to share with you some new and innovative ways to help make 2012 your most energy-aware year ever. Obviously, confronting energy issues doesn’t…


Obama Administration Hits the Accelerator for Responsible Offshore Wind Development

Last week, on Thursday, February 2, Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar announced that the Obama Administration is green-lighting the process for offshore wind leasing along the Mid-Atlantic coast. We applaud the…


Vogtle Loan Guarantee Update: Nuclear Power Secrecy Continues

This blog was written by Sara Barczak, former Regional Advocacy Director with the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.