
Before the Court: SACE Protecting Consumers by Challenging Florida Nuclear Tax

This blog was written by Sara Barczak, former Regional Advocacy Director with the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


The War on Coal Decoded

  After learning of the Stop the War on Coal Act, which shockingly passed the House of Representatives a few weeks ago, I began to wonder where all these people (also known as our elected Representatives)…


Waterkeepers Take Legal Action to Stop Toxic Coal Ash

Waterkeepers Take Legal Action to Stop Toxic Coal Ash from Contaminating Groundwater This blog was originally posted on EcoWatch's website - click here for the original post. On October 10, conservation groups asked the…


Customers should not pay costs of Florida Power and Lights nuclear plant expansion

This post originally appeared in the Palm Beach Post on October 3, 2012. Read the post and view the comments here. A misguided state law that allows large utilities to charge consumers…


Follow the Money: How Dirty Energy Donations Impact Our Energy Policies

This blog was written by Jennifer Rennicks, former Senior Director of Policy & Communications at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


Clemson Report Reveals Economic Impact of Wind Energy in SC

A new report from Clemson University details the magnitude of the wind energy industry in South Carolina's economy.  The South Carolina Wind Energy Supply Chain Survey and Offshore Wind Economic Impact Study,…


Did Obama Spend $90 Billion on Green Energy?

UPDATE: In the Vice Presidential Debate between Joe Biden and Paul Ryan, the topic on green energy was raised again. Paul Ryan said, "Was it a good idea to spend taxpayer dollars…


SACE in the News: Challenging the Nuclear Tax at Florida Supreme Court

This blog was written by Jennifer Rennicks, former Senior Director of Policy & Communications at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


Presidential contenders and climate change

This blog, written by Jennifer Rennicks (former Senior Director of Policy & Communications at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy), is the fifth in a series of blogs examining the climate and…


The Silent Epidemic of Health Hazards Caused by Coal

This blog originally appeared on EcoWatch's website and is re-posted with their permission.  The original post can be found here and was authored by the University at Buffalo. Coal kills. That’s the message…