
Responses to FERC Deficiency Letter on SEEM

Many Southeast utilities have proposed a construct called the Southeast Energy Exchange Market (SEEM). We've argued before that SEEM is not a market at all, despite the word market appearing in its…


SACE's summer intern, Godfred Gakpetor, reflects on his initial experience

Working with SACE for these few weeks has been an eye-opener to learn more about clean energy, I would not have gained this experience if not for the opportunity given to me…


Voting Rights Bill Hits Roadblock in Senate, Faces Uncertain Future as Deadline for Democracy Approaches

This blog post was written by Brady Watson, former Civic Engagement Coordinator for the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy. Update: On Thursday, July 1, the Supreme Court dealt yet another blow to our…


Floridians need bolder, faster action on energy efficiency

We can all agree that it makes sense to use energy smarter. Energy efficiency is the prime example: it's the smartest way to meet our energy needs by cutting energy waste, saving…


Solar in the Southeast Annual Report: Part 1

SACE's fourth annual "Solar in the Southeast" Annual Report includes a number of interesting storylines. Here in the first of our blog series we will highlight a few.


One year later: what's changed since the ACT on KUB coalition formed

This blog post was written by Brady Watson, former Civic Engagement Coordinator for the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy. One year ago this month, the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy (SACE), along…


Report: Achieving 100% Clean Electricity in the Southeast

SACE analysis demonstrates that achieving 100% clean electricity by 2035 in the Southeast is possible. We have options, and the time to start is now.


The Multiplier Effect: 100% Clean Electricity Standard + Electrification

A 100% CES + electrification could clean our air and water, protect public health, lower consumers' bills, bolster energy independence, and lift up the frontline communities most impacted by the climate crisis.


FERC gives SEEM utilities opportunity to put the "M" in SEEM

A contingency of large electric utilities across the Southeast has proposed to form the Southeast Energy Exchange Market or SEEM. While the title suggests the creation of a competitive energy market, the…


Climate action in Knoxville: Mayor’s Climate Council and City budget

This week, the Knoxville Mayor’s Climate Council held its penultimate meeting to discuss an updated City Sustainability work plan, and Knoxville City Council passed the City budget with climate provisions.