
Sounds like a Wind Farm Ban

Recent polling shows that over 70% of Americans support wind energy; yet the small number of wind energy opponents can be loud. Very loud, in fact. One way those anti-wind activists attack…


Part 3: Improving the health and efficiency of our Asheville office

This is the third post in a three-part series detailing energy efficiency upgrades to SACE’s new Asheville office. Read the rest of the series here or watch this video for a virtual tour! While upgrading…


Efforts to Regulate Interstate Air Pollution Move Slowly Forward

Recently we've seen several developments in the never ending fight for cleaner air. Along with newly proposed regulations limiting carbon emissions from new coal-fired power plants, and pending carbon emission limits for…


Bioenergy and Biodiversity in the Southeast: Like Speeding in a Crowded Neighborhood?

The following guest post by our friend Ben Larson was originally posted by the National Wildlife Federation (NWF) on 12/5/13.  The blog profiles a recent report highlighting potential impacts from one of…


Less Sunny Year in Gainesville

A few weeks ago the Gainesville City Commissioners voted (5-2) to suspend the Regional Utilities (GRU) feed-in tariff (FiT) solar program. Interestingly, the event received little attention outside the Gainesville area, despite…


Part 2: Air Sealing and Insulation Improvements to SACE's Asheville Office

This is the second post in a three-part series detailing energy efficiency upgrades to SACE’s new Asheville office. Read the rest of the series here or watch this video for a virtual tour! The audit at…


Burning Coal, Burning Cash in the Southeast

The cost of importing coal is a drain on the economies of Southeastern states, particularly in those states that rely heavily on coal-fired power.  In an updated report, "Burning Coal, Burning Cash"…


Tourists Flock to Wind Turbines: 14 Examples of Ecotourism

This blog entry was written by Allie Brown, former Clean Energy Advocacy Manager at SACE.


UCS Report: Wind Cheaper than Keeping Alabama Coal Plants Alive

Newly updated research shows that Alabama is still high on the list of states with coal plants that may be more expensive to maintain than to replace with cleaner sources, as we…


Fukushima Still a Disaster and State Secrets Law Passes in Japan

As if there wasn't enough to be worried about with the ongoing Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan that began nearly three years ago, there have been a number of false stories and misleading…