Another somber anniversary: Fukushima - the disaster that seems to have no end
Today, March 11, marks the third anniversary of the massive earthquake and tsunami that struck Japan killing thousands of people and displacing tens of thousands more. This also initiated the devastating and…
Deny this, solar skeptics!
This blog was written by John D. Wilson, former Deputy Director for Regulatory Policy at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.
FPL is running an experimental reactor in a weak regulatory environment
SACE High Risk Energy Choices Program Director, Sara Barczak, contributed to this post. Recently across the Southeastern United States, we have witnessed and experienced what happens when cavalier energy companies team up…
Why should Duke Energy go beyond compliance with solar power?
This blog was written by John D. Wilson, former Deputy Director for Regulatory Policy at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.
Dan River spill spurs major ash clean up orders
Over a month has passed since a broken stormwater pipe under coal ash lagoons at Duke Energy's retired Dan River power station began spewing 140,000 tons of toxic waste into the Dan River*.…
Solar Spirit
This blog complements "40 Religious Groups Practicing Creation Care with Wind Turbines," posted February 23. Solar energy represents an opportunity to reduce one's impact on the environment, while also potentially saving money.…
Solar Boom Continues!
2013: another record year for the solar industry! The much anticipated solar market report, U.S. Solar Market Insight Report: 2013 Year-in-Review, was released today by the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) and…
10 Reasons Conservatives Support the Production Tax Credit
This blog entry was written by Allie Brown, former Clean Energy Advocacy Manager at SACE.
Obama Admin Ignores Public Input, Advances Atlantic Drilling
Late last week, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM), under the Department of Interior, released a document that continues the march toward offshore drilling along our coasts. The document is the…
Commissioner Putnam, I'm Hungry for Leadership
I’m so sick of political doublespeak in Washington and Tallahassee. It’s time that we the people get serious about holding our elected representatives accountable. Here is one that needs our attention: Florida…