
Current Florida PSC like episode of Utilities Gone Wild says former member

This blog and its unique perspective comes courtesy of Nancy Argenziano. She served on the Florida Public Service Commissioner from 2007 - 2010 and in the Florida Legislature as a senator and…


Duke Energy: This is Not Leadership

Shorter versions of this oped were originally published in North Carolina in the Charlotte Observer on February 10, 2014 (found here) and in Florida in the Tampa Bay Times on February 11,…


Florida: Don't Tax the Sun

This guest blog comes courtesy of John K. Porter, Managing Director of Clean Footprint - Solar Development and Financing There has been a lot of talk coming out of Tallahassee about eliminating…


Hold Candidates Accountable on Climate

The Tampa Bay Times ran some excellent coverage last week on the issue of climate change in the special election for Florida’s 13th Congressional District.   While climate change and sea level rise…


Want to learn more about the Fukushima nuclear disaster? Read this book, come to Atlanta!

This blog was written by Sara Barczak, former Regional Advocacy Director with the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


Thirteen More Coal Ash Disasters Waiting to Happen

Four days after the Southeast's most recent coal ash disaster began, Duke Energy has yet to stop coal ash flowing into the Dan River. The impoundment failure is now the nation's 3rd…


Florida could learn clean energy solutions from Puerto Rico

Having grown up on the small island of Puerto Rico, I’ve always had a special connection to the sea.  However, it’s unfortunate that the consequences of climate change will soon begin to…


Dan River Coal Ash Disaster Near Eden, North Carolina

Since the 2008 Kingston coal ash disaster we have often asked "when and where will it happen again"?  On Monday, February 3, 2014 we got an unfortunate answer when a stormwater pipe (that…


Big Wind Turbines, Big Opportunity for the South

The Department of Energy recently announced a $2 million funding opportunity to improve logistics for taller wind turbines, which is big news for everyone in the South. Not only could the funding…


Let the Vogtle DOE Loan Guarantee Vanish

This guest post was authored by Kennedy Maize and originally ran as a blog for PowerMag on January 21, 2014. It is being reposted with permission from the author. Find the original…