
We defend Sen. Hagan because she stands up to polluters

For more than a decade, Senator Kay Hagan has worked to promote clean air and public health here in NC. Back in 2002, when Hagan served as a NC state senator, she…


Celebrate World Water Day: Four Power Plant Cooling Trends Help Us Party More Responsibly

This blog post by John Rogers of the Union of Concerned Scientists was published on March 20, 2014 here. This Saturday is World Water Day, and this year the focus is on…


Join Hands to Protect Our Treasured Places!

For the past four years, there has been one annual worldwide grassroots event that has championed the cause of clean energy as a replacement to risky fossil fuels: Hands Across the Sand.…


Rural Clean Energy Receives Boost from 2014 Farm Bill

After a two year delay and a marathon slog, the US House and Senate finally agreed and passed a Farm Bill in January. It was met with bouquets and boos from various…


"Traditional" vs "New": Olympics and Utilities

This blog was written by John D. Wilson, former Deputy Director for Regulatory Policy at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


Dan River Disaster Recap Timeline

Having trouble keeping track of all the developments since the Dan River disaster began over a month ago? We continue to be amazed that the coal ash spill and subsequent developments have…


New Southeast EPA Administrator Faces Challenges Ahead

In the first month of 2014, the Environmental Protection Agency appointed Heather McTeer Toney as the new Region 4 Administrator. The former Regional Administrator, Gwendolyn Keyes Fleming, left to become chief of staff…


South Carolina Benefits Today from Offshore Wind Industry

Despite the fact that South Carolina, and most of the Southeast, has no utility-scale wind farms, we are reaping the benefits of the industry even today. In fact, especially today. Earlier today,…


Puerto Rico Leaves Florida in its Wake on Clean Energy Policy

In a recent blog Florida Could Learn About Clean Energy Solutions from Puerto Rico, I shared my journey in searching for Florida’s clean energy policy. As a young political scientist, I began this journey…


An Open Letter to Florida Power and Light: St. Lucie Unit 2 Nuclear Reactor

Dear Mr. Silagy, As the President of Florida’s largest utility, with monopoly control over a significant part of the state and over 4 million captive customers, I respectfully ask that you address…