
The Clean Energy Transition: SACE's Executive Director Talks Opportunities and Challenges

Dr. Stephen A. Smith, SACE's Executive Director, sat down with Jim Brogan to talk about how a clean energy future is happening now, from the rapidly accelerating electrification of transportation to the…


Q&A: Clean Energy Generation Member Kathie Sutherland

The Southern Alliance for Clean Energy sat down with Floridian Kathie Sutherland to learn more about why she is part of the Clean Energy Generation making strides against the climate crisis.


Unprecedented Funding Opportunities for Home Energy Upgrades

SACE hosted a workshop in Knoxville to help spread awareness about the unprecedented opportunities for residents to make home improvements that reduce energy use, lower utility bills, and improve comfort and safety.


Signs of Progress and Hope in 2023

This blog post was written by former SACE Digital Communications Coordinator, Heather Murphy. The Clean Energy Generation is making progress every day here in the Southeast. From students advocating for clean energy…


Undiversified: TVA's Economic Development Problem, Failure to Invest in Energy Efficiency

It's time TVA showed it cares about the economic well-being of its existing customers and local communities by truly investing in energy efficiency.


New Traction on Efficiency Programs for Manufactured Homes

Manufactured homes consume far more energy per square foot than other types of construction, making electric bills unaffordable for many residents. Despite the South having more manufactured homes than any other region,…


Outdated Energy Efficiency Policies Still Holding Florida Back

After nearly three years, the Florida Public Service Commission will soon consider substantive changes to its 30 year old energy efficiency rules. Its decision will either cement Florida's position at the bottom…


Energy Efficiency in the Southeast Annual Report: Federal Funding Adds to Tremendous Potential

Despite years of underinvestment on efficiency in the Southeast, a massive infusion of new federal funding and recent changes in utility resource planning create a once-in-a-generation opportunity to cash in our region's…


Will the Florida PSC Act to Help Customers by Modernizing Energy Efficiency Policy?

Florida power bills are higher than ever – in part because Florida invests so little in energy efficiency. The Florida Public Service Commission has an opportunity to modernize its policy on helping…


We Are Being Called to Action as the "Clean Energy Generation"

A message from Dr. Stephen A. Smith, Executive Director of Southern Alliance for Clean Energy, on the defining fork in the road we are facing, and why we're being called to unite…