Building efficiency in Southeast gets federal push

This blog was written by John D. Wilson, former Deputy Director for Regulatory Policy at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.

Guest Blog | April 21, 2010 | Energy Efficiency

Today, Vice President Biden announced that the Southeast Energy Efficiency Alliance was among the recipients of $452 million in Recovery Act funding from the Department of Energy’s Retrofit Ramp-Up initiative. According to the release and other sources, SEEA will receive $20 million to support the Southeast Community Retrofit Ramp-up Consortium.

The Consortium includes cities such as Atlanta, Miami, New Orleans, Charleston, and Charlottesville, across most of the South. SEEA has identified some cities as “ready to implement,” with others requiring up to six months to develop and implement energy efficiency programs.

Some of the funding will be allocated by formula, but SEEA will also fund some projects using a a pay-for-performance strategy. Cities will be using different implementation models which will be evaluated. Project will include efficiency investments in small and large residential, commercial and public buildings.

Congratulations to SEEA! We are looking forward to great results!

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