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5 Results for ssr2019

'Solar in the Southeast' – Third Annual Report Highlights Disparity in Solar Growth, Policies, and Approaches Throughout the Region

The Southern Alliance for Clean Energy (SACE) is pleased to release the third annual 'Solar in the Southeast' report. As usual, we include a rolling four-year forward forecast, now covering the period…


Policy Matters: 'Solar in the Southeast' Annual Report (Part 2)

In part two of our blog series about the current 'Solar in the Southeast' Annual Report, we examine policies behind the performance.


SunRisers: 'Solar in the Southeast' Annual Report (Part 4)

Utilities exhibiting the highest solar ambition over the next four years earn the prestigious title of SunRisers. Today's blog, the fourth in a series about our new Solar in the Southeast annual…


Florida Up; North Carolina down: 'Solar in the Southeast' Annual Report (Part 3)

Florida will surpass North Carolina on total installed solar capacity even sooner than expected. This third blog about our recent 'Solar in the Southeast' annual report shines some light on the updated…


SunBlockers: 'Solar in the Southeast' Annual Report (Part 5)

Who are the laggards, or "SunBlockers" from this year's 'Solar in the Southeast' annual report? Spoiler alert: they are all repeat offenders.