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70 Results for Anne Blair

EPA Administrator Talks Clean Air for Kids in Atlanta

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator, Gina McCarthy, joined moms in Atlanta last night to talk about air pollution and ways we can work together to provide cleaner air for our kids.…


Southeast Women in Solar, 2016 #nationWISE Event

SACE staffers Allie Brown and Anne Blair also contributed to this post. Earlier this month, we blogged about that national solar roundtable discussion called #nationWISE. Over 600 professionals all over the country…


Mrs. Smit Goes to the Capitol for Georgia Wind Energy Day

Yesterday, SACE hosted the first ever Wind Energy Day at the Georgia State Capitol.  This event was sponsored by Senator Lester Jackson (D-Savannah). The first day of spring started with the senator…


Are electric vehicles REAL cars?

This blog is part of a series on electric vehicles. Other blogs in this series include: “Ecotality Blinks Out, But EVs Still Going,” " Electric Vehicle Range - Problem Solved," and more…