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4 Results for #SSR2021

Solar in the Southeast Annual Report: Part 1

SACE's fourth annual "Solar in the Southeast" Annual Report includes a number of interesting storylines. Here in the first of our blog series we will highlight a few.


SunRisers: "Solar in the Southeast" fourth annual report: Part 2

"SunRiser" is the most coveted designation from our annual "Solar in the Southeast" report. This title applies to the seven utilities exhibiting the largest increase in watts per customer solar ratio comparing the…


SunBlockers: "Solar in the Southeast" fourth annual report: Part 3

The laggards in our "Solar in the Southeast" reports are labeled as 'SunBlockers.' In our fourth annual report, Alabama Power and the North Carolina Electric Cooperatives bear that moniker.


Both-And: "Solar in the Southeast" fourth annual report: Part 4

We need BOTH utility-scale solar AND distributed solar in order to transform power generation and achieve 100% clean electricity by 2035.