SACE is launching a new grassroots campaign in Georgia!

Join us as we work to Renew Georgia by coming together to be the generation that secures a stable climate and prosperous future through a clean energy transformation that benefits us all.

Cary Ritzler | May 3, 2022 | Climate Change, Energy Justice, Georgia

Whether we live in Brunswick or the Blue Ridge, Midtown or Middle Georgia, most of us want a healthy environment, clean and affordable energy, and good jobs for a prosperous future. But today, dirty energy corporations–and politicians they bankroll–game the system to divide us and maintain their toxic status quo at the expense of the rest of us. 

That’s why we at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy (SACE) are doubling down in Georgia and launching a new campaign that aims to help bring our communities–Black, brown, and white–together to advance clean energy and environmental justice at every level of our government: federal, state, and local.  

Just like movements before us expanded rural access to electricity, advanced civil rights, and won protections to clean up our air and water, we can come together again to be the generation to make our democracy deliver for us and secure a stable climate and prosperous future through a clean energy transformation that benefits us all. 

Georgians gathered on 4/23 for the ‘Fight For Our Future’ rally in Atlanta, demanding action on climate change. Source: Courtesy of CAC

Millions of Georgians want cleaner and more affordable energy to help lower their utility bills and solve the climate crisis. For example:

But the only way we achieve these things is if we ensure that decision-makers at every level of government can’t ignore us.

Dirty energy corporations pour lots of money and campaign contributions to influence the political process. But while they have money, we have people power. We will win out over the toxic influence of the fossil fuel industry when thousands of us are speaking up and demanding change.

We at SACE would love to have you involved in this work. There are unlimited ways for you to connect to our campaign, whether you have five minutes to spare to share one article online or want to volunteer regularly! We want to learn about you–your talents, your interests, and your community–so we can build our campaign around the voices that matter most: our volunteers. 

Please click here to join

Join the Renew Georgia Grassroots Campaign

SACE hosts monthly grassroots organizing calls where we update our members on important opportunities for clean energy at the local, state, and federal level, and take action together. Calls are held on third Fridays at noon.

Please consider making a donation to SACE today and supporting our Annual Campaign, so we can help advance clean, renewable energy in Georgia and throughout the Southeast!

Blog post cover courtesy of CAC.

Cary Ritzler
This blog was written by a former staff member of the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.
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