Every year, June 15th marks Global Wind Day. Founded in 2009, WindEurope and the Global Wind Energy Council host events all around the world to promote wind power.
In the European Union, wind power provides just over 11% of all electricity. Here in the United States, about 5% of our electricity is generated from wind power, but that number is expected to grow rapidly. Over the next few years, the United States could double the amount of wind power generated. Several states already generate more than 25% of their electricity from wind power. Last year, the United States generated the most wind power electricity in the world.
Wind power is an American success story. Wind turbine component manufacturing or support facilities exist in all 50 states. Domestic content for wind farm projects is around 60%, meaning American jobs are helping build America’s domestic energy industry. In 2014, American companies exported about half a billion dollars worth of wind turbine components around the globe. A few major manufacturers here in the southern United States include General Electric’s turbine facility in Pensacola, Florida, Blade Dynamics in New Orleans, ZF Windpower in Georgia, PPG Industries in North Carolina, and LM Blades in Little Rock, just to name a few.
Wind energy is extremely popular with approval ratings frequently above 70%. Corporations are listening to their customers and beginning to demand more wind power. Wind power emits no harmful air pollution in order to generate electricity and does not require water to operate. Landowners that host wind turbines receive royalty payments that can help keep property in family hands for the next generation. Very little land is disturbed from wind farms, and wind farms may actually reduce overall impact to the land. Wind farms are generally safe for the general public, and no member of the general public has ever been killed by a wind turbine.
With all the positive benefits of wind energy, we’re excited to celebrate Global Wind Day for decades to come!