Celebrating Global Wind Day

Guest Blog | June 14, 2013 | Energy Policy, Wind

This Saturday, June 15th, marks the fourth annual Global Wind Day. Global Wind Day provides the opportunity for people around the world to celebrate wind energy resources. Last year, more than 250 events were organized in 40 countries around the globe.

While thousands of individuals are involved in the wind industry, many in the general public still find wind energy to be a bit of a mystery. Global Wind Day provides those individuals with an opportunity to gather more information about wind energy by participating in various wind events, such as tours to wind farms, public forums with wind experts and rallies in support of wind energy.

Here in the United States, we have much to celebrate for this year’s Global Wind Day. For every megawatt of wind energy capacity installed, about 300 homes can be powered for a year. Just last year, the US installed over 13,000 megawatts – a record breaking year. Today, over 60,000 megawatts of wind energy exist in the country providing enough energy to power about 14.7 million homes!

Wind Manufacturing Jobs in Job-Years (2030), U.S. Department of Energy's 20% Wind Energy by 2030 report, 2008.

There are approximately 75,000 individuals in the U.S. working in the wind energy industry.  With jobs in manufacturing, construction, engineering, project development, business, and education.

Here in the Southeast there are already several wind energy-related companies that help service the domestic and international wind industry markets. However, as the map to the right indicates, we have the capacity to expand and create more high quality wind energy jobs, specifically in manufacturing.

Even if there is not a Global Wind Day event taking place in your community, I would encourage you to take some time this Saturday to learn more about wind energy and your state’s wind potential and keep an eye out for upcoming wind events hosted by SACE. You can also send a message to world leaders by participating in the “G8 Wake-Up Call.” A global call-to-action to leaders that encourages them to shift to renewable energy resources.


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