Listen Up! Global Warming Webinar Series

Guest Blog | June 23, 2009 | Energy Policy

seccnlogoAs we enter a new political era that favors actively addressing climate and energy legislation, citizens across broad spectrums of our society must come together and have a unified voice when advocating for global warming solutions.  We have a chance, like never before, to engage new people in solving climate change.  Those who are already engaged have an obligation to educate and bring new voices to the table.  That’s why Southern Alliance for Clean Energy, through our Southeast Coastal Climate Network (SECCN), has initiated a Global Warming Webinar Series to bring to you some of the brightest minds in our region and country on global warming impacts to our lives. Please join us for these special opportunities to learn straight from the experts about the critical issues facing the Southeast U.S.! Read on!

Toni Reale, SACE’s Southeast Coastal Organizer, in partnership with Casey DeMoss Roberts, Special Projects Coordinator with the Gulf Restoration Network launched a successful bi-monthly webinar series in April that has drawn speakers from MIT, Florida International University and Tulane University just to name a few.  The series has been divided into two parts – regional impacts and solutions.hurricane_floyd_fl

These “brown-bag” webinars are held from 11:30 – 12:30 EST twice a month.  They provide a way for you to directly learn from and engage with experts on topics of regional significance like sea level rise in the Southeast, stronger storm projections, climate science basics, impacts to birds, water, and even our food supply, as well as provide an opportunity to be part of a much larger network of individuals and organizations working on global warming issues.

We are pleased to announce the next two webinars in our Global Warming Webinar Series:

Wednesday, June 24th – Global Warming Impacts on Southeastern Bird Populations.
Our guest speaker Ann Shahid, is the Important Bird Areas Coordinator and the Climate and Energy Outreach Coordinator for Audubon, SC.  Ann will share with us how avian populations in the Southeastern United States have already been impacted by global warming and what scientists are predicting for their future. Click here to register.

Thursday, July 9th
– The Future of Agriculture and Food Security in a Warmer World
Our guest speaker Anuradha Mittal is the Executive Director of The Oakland Institute and an internationally renowned expert on trade, development, human rights and agriculture issues. Anuradha will discuss how climate change will impact global agriculture production and food security as well as ways for farmers and nations to mitigate and adapt to changing conditions. To register, follow this link.

About the Southeast Coastal Climate Network
The Southeast Coastal Climate Network is a project of SACE that is dedicated to fostering regional leadership in mitigating and adapting to the challenge of global warming.  For more info about the SECCN and to join, click here.

Click here to view archived webinars, or select them individually below.

05/09 — Climate Policy:  Options and Opportunities (Presentation)
04/09 — Ann Yoakim – Tulane Institue on Water Resources (Podcast | Presentation)
04/09 — Sea Level Rise Projections for the Southeast (Podcast | Presentation)
03/09 — The Science behind Global Warming (Podcast | Presentation)

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